Friday, November 02, 2012

being honest and patient

I don't understand how people think. How come people don't care about other people, but they ask me to think about them... so bullshit...I hate them. How can people just let other people work while they know, I have to go to my French course and so many jobs that they don't do it. they don't want to send letters to universities but they want to go to the universities...that's so bullshit.....just to go to sea....go to north polar bear can eat you. Why we don't have initiative to work and finish every single work....they just waiting other person to finish the bullshit.... I learn to patient in adult world, so's so different when I work with children, they honest and true,not like adult people, they are fake and bullshit... Children teach me to honest and patient, and I happy to learn it with my student. sorry, but for people in my office now, they are more childish than my students, I guess people who can't work just stay at home. God, please grand me ability to honest and patient.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

think of me

Think of me..think of me...first i heard this song when i saw Phantom of the opera at New York. I like this song...think of me...I think, I have to think about myself, don't think anyone else. I want to think about me..just me, but I can't. I have to think about my family, my jobs which is very ridiculous. hmm...think of me. Ya Allah SWT, have You think of me?