Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bukittinggi part II

Wah, saya jatuh cinta dengan Bukittinggi.
Pagi tadi saya meniatkan diri untuk pergi melihat obyek wisata di Bukittinggi.
Bu Tirza bilang, dekat hotel ada lembah anai.
Jadi, hari ini bangun pagi (biasanya juga bangun pagi, tapi paling malas jalan2 disekitar hotel), tanya orang-orang disekitar....
biasa, saya tuh paling pede tanya orang, arah mana ke lembah anai atau apa kek...
terus ketemu anak-anak yang mau ke sekolah....aihhhhh.....aku kangen ngajar, aku ingin masuk sekolah dan mengajar.......rasanya mau menangis, melihat anak-anak TK, SMP berjalan kaki bersamaku.
dengan pede, bertanya ke anak SMP, dik lembah anai dimana ya?
lembah anai di padang panjang, kak (kya....kayak muridku....aku kangen)
kalau gua jepang?
ohh dekat sini, nanti kalau ketemu panorama, masuk saja.
akhirnya jalan menuju gua jepang bersama anak-anak SMP, mereka berbelok ke sekolah..aku juga ingin masuk, tapi teringat harus buru-buru ke gua jepang, karena jam 8 acara SPMI sudah dimulai.
wah, masuk obyek wisatanya cuma 3000 rupiah....masuk dan sayangnya berkabut.
tapi aku suka...viewnya bagus. ngarai sihanouk itu bagus ya...(sihanouk atau sinaouk sih..whatever lah)
terus bapak pemandunya baik lagi..(makasih Pak)..dia menjelaskan tentang gua jepang, lalu memotretku dgn HPku..mengajakku melihat gua jepang..waduh saya takut karena saya sendiri doang......sayang aku tidak bawa kamera DSLR :(
Saya akan kembali ke bukittinggi lagi....lalu ke ngarai lagi..bagus banget..ketika kabut itu pergi...pemandangannya bagus sekali.
dan yang lebih asyik..gua jepang itu dibelakang hotel The Hills, jadi kira2 5 menit (dgn cara jalan erlin yg cepat ya).
asyik kan....duh, cantik sekali sih.
menuju bandara melewati lembah anai yg ada air terjunnya....aaarghhhh bagus banget.
terus makan sate padang di sate pak syukur....he he
siapa yang menyangka pada tahun 2009, saya memasak soto dan sate padang bersama anak-anak kelas 7A, kemudian pada tahun 2012 saya makan sate padang di Padang langsung.......ya Allah..its so beautiful for me.
Saya jatuh cinta dengan Bukittinggi.
Saya mau kesini lagi dalam rangka liburan. amin.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Kemarin...hari senin jam 17.55 sampailah saya di bandara Minangkabau, Padang.
Pihak Kopertis X sudah menjemput saya, Bu Elly (dosen UNPAR) dan Pak Liliek (UGM). berempat kami menuju bukittinggi.
Hmm...pertanyaan yang ingin saya tanyakan..kenapa ya...kalau tugas yang membutuhkan perjalanan darat agak jauh...daku yang dapat tugas...ampun..ampun.
Orang-orang lupa, karena daku hobi travel, kan bisa saja gue kabur, main-main dulu.
Untung pesawat sampainya malam, jadi aku tidak kabur main ke tempat teman.
Ternyata saya tuh norak ya, ke Bukittinggi..terkagum-kagum melihat ada air terjun di jalan raya.
Terus norak juga dalam makan buncis, biasanya saya tidak mau buncis, tapi supir kopertis (Pak Dodi) bilang enak, Bu Elly mencoba dan bilang enak. Ok, kalau bu Elly yang bukan berasal dari Padang bilang enak, aku percaya..dan waaaaa, enak loh. Saya suka buncis di rumah makan 'aie badaru', silakan dicoba sendiri kalau tidak percaya.
Dan Bu Elly berbaik hati menaktir kita semua, padahal saya dan Pak Lilik sudah mengeluarkan dompet dan Pak Lilik bilang, 'Bu, kita patungan saja'.
Ahhhh, Bu Elly so sweet.
Bukittinggi itu sight viewnya memang bagus...sayang tidak bawa kamera.
Hanya sayang, saya tetap kelaparan disini..duh sering-sering dinas luar bakal tambah kurus nih (kan tidak doyan makanan hotel, banyak minyaknya).
ingin keluar pergi makan..eng ing eng..kopertis X ini pada tidak siap, masa tidak satupun yang jadi notulis..curiga nih, bagaimana buat laporannya...atau gue yang selama ini hiperbola, catat biodata peserta, email, HP buat laporan.
Woiii...piye to, yang punya acara siapa nih?
ini mah nyebelin.
ok, tunggu nanti, semoga kegiatan berjalan baik. amin.
Mending melihat indahnya Bukittinggi.
Hujannya cantik sekali...awan menjadi putih, jam Gadang terlihat tambah bagus dengan siraman air hujan.
dan baru ngeh bila di depan hotel The Hills itu ada plaza Bukittinggi..oo, ramayana ada disitu to, pantesan dari kemarin lihat ada plang ramayana, tapi dimana tempatnya.
Bu Elly merekomendasikan lembah Anai,
ayo diniatin besok pagi ke lembah I come...jalan-jalan yuk ke Bukittinggi.

Friday, April 13, 2012

morning time

Morning everybody, today is friday.
I read my first blog since 2008 until now.
I look my writing, some essay use wrong grammar...its very funny.
last night, I was laugh when I am looking my essay, I can't believe i wrote it.
I see when I was angry, happy, thrilling, feel sad and bored.
my blog is my diary.
I see how I miss my students...I see how I miss mae and bue..
I also know when I hate myself.
I lost my word again.
I guess I have to find
I feel bored, right now.
I don't know what I have to do.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Kamis, 12 April 2012

Segala hal pasti ada hikmahnya, jadi kan setiap hal yang terjadi bermanfaat bagi diri kita.
Dengan percaya diri, berangkat tugas hari ini ke salatiga..sudah berangkat pagi-pagi agar bisa naik Damri (niatnya ngirit), ternyata malah sakit perut dan berhenti di pom bensin...yah, terpaksa deh naik taksi ke bandara.
it's okay. terus sampai bandara dengan pede lihat pengumuman GA 222 (semarang) ETD 10.35, cuek saja lewat ke gate F3, sampai sana baru ngeh, loh artinya ETD itu delay toh......wahhhh, gila delay kok satu jam, ngapain buru2 naik taksi tadi...mana sudah janjian di bandara Solo, buru2 tanya bisa ganti pesawat jogja dan dibilang "bisa, silakan ke depan lagi" oke....
semangat...ganti jogja..jreng2...telepon kopertis 6, tidak usah jemput, saya akan ke salatiga sendiri ..pede...maklum sudah nggak enak ati...masa minta dijemput.
eit..eit, tapi tahunya ancer-ancer dari solo ke salatiga (semalam sudah tanya2 ke adik bagaimana cara pergi ke salatiga dari bandara solo).
cuek saja...pokoke nanti cari bis dari jogja menuju semarang turan salatiga.
naik pesawat kepikiran....kenapa tidak mampir ke Fak Biologi UGM tercinta ya...oh ya..alhamdulillah memang jalannya ya.
suda kepikiran mau foto sama Bu Endang Semiarti, foto kampus tercinta..but finally I forget to take picture because I too excited to met my lecturers.
sampai jogja, naik kol turun plaza ambarukmo, beli J-Co buat oleh2, naik taksi ke kampus (gaya ya)
lalu sholat...ketemu Bu Endang, Bu Mul, Pak Sembiring...ha ha, Bu Endang malah ingetin tentang letter of recommendation..
jadi malu, saya main bukan karena menanyakan itu, tapi saya kangen dgn UGM...gile ya gue.
wahhhhh, aku bisa lihat diriku masih jadi mahasiswi berkeliaran, aku lihat labku yang dulu...ahhhhhh
Lalu pamit untuk pergi ke Salatiga, naik taksi ke Jombor, naik bus Nusantara yang katanya berangkat jam 14.15 tapi berangkat jam 14.30..duh duh.
katanya kalau ke salatiga turun bawen nanti naik angkot lagi.
Jadi di terminal Bawen, tanya2, terus naik bus yg menuju solo. ternyata bus safari ngetem....untung inisiatif untuk turun dan tanya2 lagi. ketemu bus salatiga dgn nama Sari (terima kasih bapak tukang soto dan bapak penjaga terminal dan mbak teman sebelah di bus nusantara yang sudah baik hati membantu anak orang hilang ini..he he)
Pak kondektur bus Sari juga baik hati memberitahu rute..cuplikan adegan percakapan
me : how much i have to pay
man : where do you want to get down
me ; terminal salatiga
man ; our last trip in sawit market,where do you wan to go
me : grand wahid hotel
man; you stop on kemiri and then you take another public transportation
me ; okay, please tell me where i have to get down
sudah gitu pas turun, kondekturnya juga nunjukin mana angkotnya lagi...waduh makasih banyak Pak, hanya Allah SWT yang bisa membalas kebaikan Bapak dan semua orang yang sudah membantuku hari ini.
Memang sudah diniatkan untuk mencoba jalan sendiri dan ternyata bisa, terus ada manfaat lain, bisa nengok kampus dan bertemu Bu Endang Semiarti.
Yes, terima kasih Allah...big hugs for You, ALLAH.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tulisan jaman dulu saat 8 Maret 2011

Saya pernah membuat tulisan ini saat senggang dikantor, lucu, grammarnya masih kacau.

Education for Special needs students

I like education system for special needs students in US. I am absolutely agree with the rules for special needs education system.
Why ?
I like Black Law that said, ‘every children must study together’, it means the class in USA class are inclusive class. Education system in US support inclusive class.
When I joined class with subject “Inclusive setting for special needs students”, I was very surprise with education system in US that very support special needs students. I know US needs a long time for make their education system, but I admire their passion to think about special needs children.
I learnt about rules in US that every children whose born with special needs condition, then the government will pay all of education, health and therapy for special needs children until they high school. Wow…imagine how much money that US government spend for special needs education…?
My lecturer explain every children that born in special needs condition, the hospital will tell the parents about conditions of their baby, how about the health payment and what payment will government paid for them.
The government will pay or cover all of education cost and the doctor bills in the school. Please remind that education for special needs students means that school must provide special need teachers for special needs students.
Can we imagine how much the US government must pay for special needs teachers and the doctor and don’t forget, of course the facilities for special needs students?
This education system is so expensive. Or is this worthed for US ?
Most people will think, no it is not worthed to spend a lot of money for special needs students. But, people whose think not worthed to spend money for special needs students, for me, is very wrong opinion.
Why? Because actually US government help their fund to save and don’t have to spend a lot of money to pay non productive citizen, why?
Because US government already teach special needs students to be independent person, so they can be productive person. This system will increase a lot of productive person, why? Special needs person are not stupid person, they also human who have same needs just like ‘normal’ person. Special needs person have the same rights just like other person.
Maybe just the culture/ habit in some region that treat special needs person become different person.
And sometime people also act differently when they treat special needs person. It is wrong attitude for me.
Why we ‘treat’ differently with special needs person? If we are not teach/educate special needs person, we are the one whose suffering for what have we done, because when special needs person didn’t get right education then when they grow up, they can’t do anything, then the government and society whose suffering because have to paid and bear throughout life of special needs person. And the worse are sometimes the government ignore the special needs person, so we can see so many paupers in the street. How pathetic this condition???
My government (Indonesia) can’t afford to pay special needs teachers in public school, so mostly parents (rich parents) go to private school which accept special needs students. How about middle class parents?
Well, some public school are inclusive school, but they don’t have special needs teachers, so public school teachers will have some difficulty to teach special needs students.
The funniest thing is education college in Indonesia don’t put special needs subject in the curriculum, so people who will become teacher don’t get subject or lesson to handle special needs students. This subject (special needs lesson) just give to extraordinary education (major which teach people to be teacher in special needs school).
Indonesia have special needs school for mute, deaf, blind, mentally handicapped. Just that. Extraordinary education is major in education college for prepare person which is become teacher in this school.
Why for me this funny? Because special needs class in US classroom is mandatory, must be take for all of students college who want to be teacher.
Of course, US education have special needs education major just like in Indonesia (extraordinary education), but all of US teachers get lesson to handle special needs students.
See, so teachers in US can handle special needs students, here, in Indonesia, teachers can learn from the experience…hi hi, almost the same??? I don’t know.
Maybe, for our culture in Indonesia, is not common to see two or three teacher in the classroom. This was my experience when I saw three teacher in the classroom. One teacher is lead the classroom but two teacher (special needs teachers) just watch and then explain again the lesson to special need students. I felt weird when I taught in the class and other teacher saw me (I felt like my headmaster inspection me, ha ha :D)
Special needs teachers is very important, they help subject teacher to explain again to special needs students. So, in US classroom is not problem to have two or three special needs students in one class, because special needs teachers help subject teacher.
My experience when I handle two special needs students in my class just like disaster, one special need student cried, and the other students yell each other, and just only me, the teacher in the class. Of course, people will said, “you have to handle it, that’s your job, your duty”.
I know, I feel I am still lucky my students just only 25 students in the class, but I can’t imagine if I am public school teacher who have 40 students and I have two special needs students, what will I do, if one of special needs students is tantrum?
Okay, this is what I see in US classroom for special needs students. Each special needs students have teacher team to handle them.
Teacher team consist of health teacher, two/three special needs teachers, psychologist, school doctor. Two or three special needs teachers will accompany special needs students in their class. Example Ann is special needs students who have three special need teachers, Miss Maya, Mr. John, Mr. Peter. Miss Maya will accompany Ann in math class and biology class; Mr Peter will accompany Ann in art class and history class; Mr. John will accompany Ann in sport class.
Special need students also have to check their condition to doctor in the school; they have 5 minutes free to go out from class before class over (so they don’t have to meet crowded of class over in the corridor, to go to next class); they have more time to finish the test in study room with special need teachers; they have one hour free time to resume all of their study.
Each school have capacity to accept special needs students, because to accept special needs students, school has to look how many special needs teacher that school have. If the school have so many special needs students register to school but the school doesn’t have capacity to accept the students, the students will be transfer to another public school.
Each public school also have specially in handle special needs students. Example: my host school, South High School in Minneapolis, Minnesota, US have specially to handle special needs students in physical inability.
I wish someday Indonesia government can afford to pay special needs teachers in inclusive school. I know some public school already be inclusive school but the government don’t prepare the school with facilities and the teachers.
So, special needs students can be productive citizen when they grow up.
I also hope the mind set of people that special needs students are parasite will be change, why? Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawkings also special needs person, but we know them as scientist and productive person and very useful for their country.
Special needs children have rights to get better education. We are ‘normal’ people that must be understand that nobody perfect but we can make world perfect if we can cooperate with all of elements in our society. Special needs children also our society, our next generation.
The point is we have to save and educate our next generation.
That’s all.

School of Education (Fakultas Kependidikan)

In the math education college classroom, a math lecturer explain about theory how to teach geometry to high school students.
After finish teach, one college student ask to the lecturer, ”Sir, is this theory already you apply in high school students? And how many high school already use this theory?
The lecturer answer diplomatically, “ I believe all of my students whose graduated already apply this theory in their school”.
The student very surprise and then ask again, “Excuse me, Sir, can I ask you something, Have you been teach directly to high school students to apply this theory?”.
The lecturer , ”No, not yet, I am lecturer whose teach college students”.
The student, “ Sir, how can you teach all of us who want to be teacher if you never have experience teaching in school? What experience you will share to us? Experience teach college students? We will be teacher in elementary, junior and high school not college! Maybe some of us will be lecturer but I think this faculty is produce teacher for school, right?”
Some people believe teachers are teach everything to children beside their parents. First education is family and second education is in school.
But, some people and I believe most people think that some person is good if they get good education. Good education means people go and study in good school which have good teachers.
What is criteria of good teachers? Hmm, lets make a list
- Explain clearly
- have good attitude
- good row models to their students
- etc.
But I am sure if you ask this question to students, no one will answer like this, “graduated from education college”.
Are you sure? Most international school have teachers whose don’t graduated from education college.
Why? Are you not believe teacher whose graduated from education college?
If we read discussion above, some people will believe there is something wrong in our education. How can our education improve if our teacher who educate us is not educate well in their school? I don’t say that our education college is wrong, No…I just think something wrong with our curriculum.
I went to College Education and Human Development (CEHD) in University of Minnesota last year. CEHD faculty is education faculty here in Indonesia. That is a good name for faculty, right? Education is develop human. That’s a good name and already give purpose to this faculty.
My lecturers mostly already taught elementary or junior high school or senior high school. They took master and Ph.D in university, then after graduated, the university asked them to be lecturer in CEHD faculty.
So, if the lecturer teach some subject/theory, they already apply the subject to students in the school. This subject is not just only theory. College students in CEHD learn application and not theory. Hmm, I like it.
Lets compare with here, in Indonesia. Teachers and lecturers are different. Teachers just teach in kindergarten, elementary, secondary school. Lecturers teach in college. Teachers can’t be lecturers. Too bad, because their experience are advantages for students college who want to be teacher. Actually its not just about experience, but also share knowledge or transfer knowledge how to handle students in class. That’s the important thing to be teacher. Are Indonesian lecturers in education faculty have that sense?
We have to improve our education faculty because teachers are warrior leader in education system. Teachers build character of their students. Teachers create leaders. Teacher educate our next generations. If our teachers are bad, then our education will collapse.