Saturday, March 19, 2011

Latihan sabar

Kenapa jadi orang sabar itu susah? Karena butuh perilaku dan kelapangan dada untuk melakukan kesabaran.
Wajah saya tidak bisa menyembunyikan ketidaksabaran saya.
Apabila saya sudah bosan dengan suatu hal, raut muka saya berubah lelah. Memang perilaku saya tidak menunjukkan ketidaksabaran, tapi raut muka saya dapat terlihat bahwa saya bosan.
Jadi saya harap dalam sebuah pertemuan yang kadang-kadang membosankan, saya berharap sekali tidak ada yang memperhatikan saya, karena saya takut nanti saya mengecewakan orang-orang yang telah mengadakan pertemuan.
Saya ingat sekali bagaimana sahabat saya Nico, Dinda dan Rene langsung dapat membaca raut muka dan body language saya bila saya sudah bosan. Meskipun kadang-kadang saya sedih, bagaimana ketiga orang tersebut bisa mengenali saya dengan baik, padahal mereka hanya mengenal saya selama 5 bulan, sedangkan teman-teman saya yang telah bertahun-tahun bersahabat dengan saya tidak dapat mengenal saya dengan baik.
Saya selalu berusaha jadi pendengar yang baik (orang kan maunya didengarkan kata-katanya dan diperhatikan, tapi belum tentu mau mendengarkan cerita orang lain kan, jadi saya mengerti kondisi ini, sehingga saya lebih senang jadi pendengar.
Dan saya amat berharap sekali, saat saya mendengarkan cerita orang, wajah saya tidak berubah dan menunjukkan kebosanan...he he :), karena kadang2 bosan loh mendengarkan cerita orang2 terus menerus. Untung slalu ingat bahwa orang sabar disayang Tuhan. sip....intinya saya berharap wajah saya tidak menunjukkan rasa bosan.....Cobalah untuk tersenyum.
Semangat Erlin.....SEMANGAT. Meskipun saat ini rasa bosan menyergap, yuk lakukan kegiatan yang disenangi.
Seperti menulis blog.

Why to be patient is very difficult? Because to be patient are need good attitude and big heart.
My face can't hide my impatient. if I feel bored, my face show that I am boring NOW....OOOO, Oh No.
Of course my attitude still polite, but my face is worse.
So, i hope in some of meeting that I feel are so bored, I hope no one pay attention to me, because I am afraid somebody will be disappoint. I still remember how my best friends; Nico, Dinda and Rene know my face and my body language if I am sad.
It is make me more sad because they just know me for 5 months more than my other friends whose know me for a years. how can be like that.
I try to be a good listener because I know that people want to be heard not to be listener. And i really hope, when some people said something story that very bored, I wish my face not show bored face....he he :) even though sometime I bored to hear what people said. Thanks to God, I always remember that God love patient people. Ok...the point is i hope my face not show bored face....Now, I try to smile everything I feel bored.
Go Erlin...Go. Even now I am bored, I try to smile and do interesting activity like write this blog.
(March 19, 2011 in the afternoon while I was still in workshop)

March 21, 2011.
I remind last saturday night on March 19, 2011, me and my friends decided to went home after the workshop finished.
The workshop was finish at 9 pm. Four people (me, Pak Gondo, bu Ani and Pak Wahyu) went home to Jakarta from Bogor using bus....BUS. I remember last year I also went to New York in the middle of midnight and morning using bus from airport. It was 12 am, and I went to the place that I never came before....and I just believe to God that I'll okay.
Just like last year, I confidence to went home to Jakarta at night even that was the first time I did it.
The differences my experience to New York compare with my experience from Bogor to Jakarta is Pak Wahyu know the route, while when I went to new york, I was confidence asked people in the street at midnight...ckckckck its means I was not sure I know the route :D. The bus stop in Kampung Rambutan terminal and that was my first time to enter Kp Rambutan terminal (how worse I am, I went abroad but i still don't know every details in Jakarta ha ha ha :D)
That night, I was smile and said to myself, yeahhhh I have same experience like my experience last year; traveling.
I am waiting now, what God will give to me...can I get another experience to go to another place? just like I went to LA, Las Vegas, Boston and New York. Or, will I get new friends like Nico, Rene, Dinda again?
Hmm..I am exciting now :)

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