Today, I go to Medan with my colleagues. My head say,'lets go walk to see Medan'. Unfortunately, arrive in Medan, I already join meeting with quality assurance team. As usual my job is typing everything in the meeting. Ooooooo, I didn't go again, i want to complain, but i know its useless to complain. I am pretty sure, I can go to see Medan, i believe it, and......Allah SWT (God) always listening me....(He, the one who always accompany me, I definitely sure about it), so, I don't what happen with me, i just sure that i have to pray tarawih in the mosque...hello, you are in Medan, so lets see about Ramadhan culture in Medan. But aroud Aryaduta Hotel, there's no mosque to pray tarawih, so my mind say,'lets go to Medan great mosque, you can see so many thing there'.
The security guard said that Medan Great Mosque is around 3 km and very far, i never mind, i just want to pray, I take 'becak' a motorcycle with space for passenger. I was late for Isya pray. I come when Isya pray already finish, so I pray Isya first.
Alhamdulillah, Thanks God,the Imam (leader of pray) looks like waiting for me....he he he :) so I can join tarawih. Yes..;)
The Imam voice is very good, I don't care if tarawih take a long time, i just enjoy it. the mosque is very good. I love this day, Allah SWT. I take some picture of the mosque. its very beautiful, and there is bazar beside the mosque, so after pray, i bought 'sate padang'. and then go home by becak again. i saw so many thing at this night. I don't care i enjoy this night by myself,i just feel that Allah SWT love me thats why He give me clue to go to Medan Great Mosque, so i can see Medan city at night.
And at Medan great mosque, so many people pray and eat together. Wow, I like it. even my cellphone is hang, but i am happy...maybe its another clue for me to buy new cellphone he he :)
I LOVE YOU, ALLAH SWT. I LOVE YOU, if i forget to tell You, how much I LOVE YOU, now I am telling the world, I LOVE YOU, ALLAH SWT.
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